德莎tesa为工业、专业工匠以及终端消费者提供自粘胶带产品及系统解决方案(产品数量超过 7,000 种)。2001 年起,德莎tesa公司(拥有 4,450 名员工)成为拜尔斯道夫(其产品包括 NIVEA、Eucerin 和 la prairie)的全资子公司。
德莎tesa服务于众多工业领域,应用涉及汽车、电子(如智能手机、平板电脑)、造纸及印刷、建筑,以及用于品牌和产品安全保护 - 工业产品销售收入占德莎tesa总销售额(2017:12.578亿欧元) 的 76%。德莎tesa还与制药行业合作开发药物贴剂。在消费品和工匠产品领域,德莎tesa的销售收入占总销售额的 24%, 300 种产品使终端消费者在家庭和工作中获得更多便利。
德莎tesa的成功故事开始于一种胶布绷带的研发。 Paul C. Beiersdorf 是一位药剂师,也是公司的创始人。1890 年,当 Oscar Troplowitz 博士从他手中接管他的实验室时,他正在研究这种绷带。 这种绷带粘接性极佳,但是对皮肤有刺激性。Troplowitz 不得不进行必要的改进,并于 1896 年推出第一款专业自粘胶带。
如今, 德莎tesa为工业行业、工匠和消费者提供自粘胶带产品和自粘系统解决方案,是全球领先的胶带制造商之一。
创新是德莎tesa成功的基础,也是推动公司蓬勃发展的动力。 德莎tesa在德国、美国、日本、新加坡和中国的实验室有两百名员工不断致力于将创新理念转化为新产品、应用程序和系统解决方案以及改进现有产品。 每年,德莎tesa平均申请 70 项新的开发专利。
德莎tesa的伟大成功源自产品的卓越。 德莎tesa持续致力于各种全新解决方案的开发,以帮助客户优化工艺流程。
在过去五年德莎tesa向市场推出的各种产品的销售收入占了德莎tesa总销售收入的近一半。 德莎tesa公司的强大创新力富有战略性意义。
德莎tesa对新的自粘胶带成分和新技术平台的开发保证了公司长期的发展和竞争力,并为进入新市场打下了扎实的基础。 德莎tesa在自己的实验室所开展的研究工作只是创新过程中的一部分。
德莎tesa将各种经济和技术因素考虑在内,分析市场潜力,并顾及环境保护。 彻底消除或大幅减少溶剂在生产过程中的使用是德莎tesa的主要目标之一。
德莎tesa的开发过程基于三个主要原则: 成分开发、工艺过程开发和产品开发。 只有这三个部门之间密切合作才能确保创新的成功。
tesa is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of technical adhesive tapes and self-adhesive system solutions (more than 7,000 products) for industrial and professional customers as well as end consumers. Since 2001, tesa SE (4,450 employees) has been a wholly owned affiliate of Beiersdorf AG (whose products include NIVEA, Eucerin, and la prairie).
Applications for various industrial sectors – such as the automotive industry, the electronics sector (e.g. smartphones, tablets), printing and paper, building supply, and security concepts for effective brand and product protection – account for about 76% of the tesa Group’s sales (2017: 1,257.8 million). tesa also partners with the pharmaceuticals industry to develop medicated patches. tesa earns 24% of its sales in the consumer and craftsmen segment, where 300 products for end consumers make working in the home and the office easier.
tesa’s success story begins with the unsuccessful development of an adhesive bandage. Paul C. Beiersdorf, a pharmacist, was at work on the bandage when Dr. Oscar Troplowitz took over the lab from the company’s founder in 1890. The bandage adhered excellently, but was irritating to skin. Troplowitz made a virtue of necessity and, in 1896, launched the first technical adhesive tape.
Today tesa is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of self-adhesive product and system solutions for industry, professional craftsmen, and consumers.
Innovation is the basis of our success and the engine driving our company’s dynamic growth. tesa’s two hundred employees at its own laboratories in Germany, the United States, Japan, Singapore, and China are constantly at work on transforming innovative ideas into new products, applications, and system solutions and on improving existing products. Every year, tesa applies for patents for an average of 70 new developments.
Our success is only as great as the benefits of our products. We are continually at work on new solutions that help our customers to arrange their working processes more effectively.
We strengthen our position as one of the world’s leading manufacturers of self-adhesive system solutions by recognizing the needs and wishes of our customers and reacting flexibly to specific requirements and market trends.
We achieve nearly half of our total sales revenue with products that we have launched on the market within the past five years. The fact that our company has such great power to innovate is strategically significant.
Our development of new adhesive tape components and technology platforms ensures our growth and competitiveness for the long term and paves the way for us to enter new markets. The research work we carry out in our labs is just one part of the innovation process.
We take into account economic and technical aspects, analyze market potential, and examine environmental issues. One of our primary goals is to eliminate or considerably reduce the use of solvents in our production processes.
The development processes at tesa are based on three main principles: Component Development, Process Development, and Product Development. Only close cooperation among the three divisions can ensure a successful innovation process.
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